10 things you must know about Dubai’s District 2020

10 things you need to know about Dubai's District 2020
4 mn read

Dubai district of 2020 connects people around the world and space in a smart and durable urban environment that is designed to encourage creativity and innovation and collaboration. Which promotes the urban lifestyle and business ecosystem? Dubai District will inherit the infrastructure as the future of Expo Dubai 2020 that will be the first world expo to be held in the region. And it is located between Abu Dhabi and Dubai. And it will create opportunities for growth and partnerships and Innovative ideas. That is created to connect ideally and completely accessible. Dubai’s District 2020 has dedicated metro stops and also extended the future line to Al Maktoum international airport just making it highly accessible for the locals. Here are 10 things you need to know about Dubai’s district.


According to Dubai’s District 2020, it will become the post-exhibition home of various Expo centerpieces. And the Exhibition includes Al Wasl Plaza and the UAE pavilion, a Sustainability pavilion that is transformed into children and science center. It Will increases world innovation and also increase educational opportunities and also increase the cultural and entertainment facilities and it will also create some conferences and exhibition centers that are developed by the Dubai World Trade Center.


All of the Dubai district 2020 buildings will increase or meet the LEED gold standards. The district Dubai’s legacy strategy to reuse 80% of expo 2020 site infrastructure. District Dubai has low-rise buildings and friendly streets which are designed to consider the amazing feel and also create some social connections and also have some traditional local markets in it. And the idea behind District 2020 is to create a collaboration platform where you can witness all types of industries and markets of all types, with technology startups and companies. Due to this Dubai gives you the idea to see the new future.


The district will also offer opportunities for the third party just to develop 2.3m sq of gross floor area which is broken down into offices, Community facilities and Residential and also have hotels and retail and Educational facilities. Along with this, there will also have a large parkland and 10km of cycling tracks with jogging tracks as well. The opportunities also include Dubai Exhibition centers and science centers for children.


The vision of Dubai’s district in 2020 introduces the world theme of strength, Sustainability, and opportunity. That is designed for a community of 90,000 people that will give the facility of easy access by road and public transport and also create an opportunity for working-class, for locals and for leisure


Dubai’s district 2020 will focus on the creation of the Dubai silk road strategy. which is designed to make the link between global trade. Siemens AG is one of the tenants for district 2020 with the announcement of the open airport, Cargo, and port logistics in the upcoming district. Located within an hour drive of both Dubai and Abu Dhabi. And is linked to the center of the city by the new metro line 2020.and this will be one metro stop away from Al Maktoum airport.


Al-Maktoum airport will be one of the biggest airports in the world. Which welcomes 160 passengers and has 12 million tons of freight. As we all know two-third of the population live within a flight of Dubai. Dubai international airport already handles many passengers for many years. This will also make a world record in the future of Dubai district 2020.once operations completed this will become the world’s largest airport in the future.


One of the best iconic legacies of Dubai is the Al Wasl plaza which plays an important role in district 2020. For district 2020 which means connection. It is an open space and domed space that provide shade to the people by day and trunks into 360-degree projection screen by night and it is visible from inside and outside of the dome. The plaza is designed by the Chicago headquarters which also worked on the district plan of 2020


The main idea behind district Dubai is to make ‘Dubai the smartest city in the world’. Currently, it is ranked on the 45 Number in the IMD smart cities Index 2019. If we look for the example to see how Dubai transformed then the Photovoltaic fabric is one of the best examples of district 2020. Smart technology in district 2020 is the photovoltaic fiber covering the main walkways. The fabric acts as the solar sunshades and also captures sufficient sunlight and the photovoltaic fabric on the building generates half of the district’s energy requirements. These actions reflect the government initiative such as 10X that are designed to move the city ten years ahead of other global cities in all sectors and make the Dubai smartest city in the world.


The district Dubai 2020 will also host one of the world first 5G mobile network that creates more opportunities for the residents of Dubai and also make it easy for the people to connect with one another around the world just by one touch. 5G mobile network will boost the speed and you will enjoy the fastest network in the air of Dubai.


District 2020 offers a dynamic residential community that is linked with the business, retail, and F&B. Neighborhoods are designed to create the perfect balance of convenience with an urban lifestyle, connection, and community this type of lifestyle bring people together and also encourage interaction.


The site transition from Expo 2020 to district 2020 will begin when the world’s fair draws to a close and with work scheduled to begin on 11 April 2021. Members of the Expo 2020 will discuss the developmental residential and workspaces which include micro studios, multi-building campuses, apartments, and hotels. District 2020 will boost the economy of Dubai.

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